The ARt application is an augmented reality app I made for iPhone using Unity. I learned how to use Unity to build AR experiences with the Vuforia add-on during this project. I also learned how to test the application on an iPhone by exporting the project to Xcode.

The app allows viewers to see photographs augmented in the digital space. The idea behind the app is to give viewers a new perspective on what a photograph can look like. The photos in the exhibit are my photos that have been fed into the 3D printing software Cura to produce a 3D version of the photos. The viewer is guided through a two-room experience with AR arrows and signs. Circles are used to show the viewer where to stand. When the viewer stands in front of a photo and points their phone at the photo, the image is recognised, and the 3D element appears on top of the photo. The viewer can then move around the 3D element and view the 3D details. The name of the photograph is displayed above the photo, and if the viewer wants to see the original photo, they can cover the bottom right of the photo, which disables the 3D element.