Some people may think that their gardens are dull and drab, but they are just not looking close enough. If you go into your garden and take a hard look, you can see some fantastic details. To begin the simplest plant shown is a piece of grass, and when you look hard enough, you can see the sheath where the grass splits and even a small bite is possibly taken by a caterpillar. The most prevalent feature throughout the garden is the veins of the plants which can be seen best in the leaf shown. These veins perform one of the most critical jobs, which is transport. They transport food and water around the plant so the plant can grow. Another small detail you may miss in your garden is the tiny flowers that grow in the grass. They can sometimes be so little you can easily miss them. I have photographed a small wildflower known as Germander speedwell. The tiny flower has beautiful purple petals and blooms between early May and June.
The main reason I have photographed these simple small plants is to show you what treasures you can find in your garden. But also I have taken these photos to show what is so close to us. The vast majority of us are stuck in our mobile phones so much that we miss the small things and I feel that we need to look up from our devices and take in the small things in life that we may be missing.
So try putting down your phone or stop playing that game and get outside and look around. Take it all in once and while.
The main reason I have photographed these simple small plants is to show you what treasures you can find in your garden. But also I have taken these photos to show what is so close to us. The vast majority of us are stuck in our mobile phones so much that we miss the small things and I feel that we need to look up from our devices and take in the small things in life that we may be missing.
So try putting down your phone or stop playing that game and get outside and look around. Take it all in once and while.