Lighten Up is a physical lamp and application combo designed to help users build routines. The problem this product was designed to solve is that people are finding it challenging to keep a routine when working from home. We envisioned a product that would make it easy to keep a good routine with minimal effort in an accessible and straightforward way. The lamp works by changing colour to notify you of different reminders like "take a break"," stand up and move", etc. The lamp works alongside the app, where you input your routine and reminders. The app then communicates with the lamp to send you your reminders.
The overall product was designed as a group, and within that group, we had individual tasks. I was tasked with prototyping the application's layout. To do this, I used sketches and prototyped the app in Figma.

We wanted to keep the app simple and not require more than the necessary input for the user, so I created a single page layout for the application. The design of the app drew from our findings in our mood boards and ideas in our brainstorming. The user would input their working hours into the app that would communicate with the lamp. We noted that a single page would be simplistic but that we should explore a multi-page application. So, I sketched an alternative design for the app that included a page per day to allow the user to have different reminders each day.

After meeting with the group and discussing the sketches, I created a prototype using Figma. The idea for this prototype was to allow us to test our product with our users, meaning the colour and overall aesthetics at this stage were not essential. Using Figma’s design tools, I created the screen layouts and functionality of the application. Overlays were designed and used to create a dropdown selection effect, as the user would be inputting reminder times, colours, and tones. When the pages were completed, the navigation and animations were added. The navigation was created using Figma’s Prototype tool, which allows you to link pages and actions to buttons and move through the app when testing. When the Figma prototype was completed, a link was created which allowed us to distribute the prototype to users for testing.

Final Prototype
Using the prototypes that I designed, my teammate Dónal created the aesthetics for the final mockup of the app.

Mockup of the lamp created by my teammate Rosheene.

Below you can view our Final Report which breaks down each process that our group implemented for this project.