Rebel Ultimate is an ultimate frisbee team in Cork, Ireland. Their original website was created when the club was founded in 2009, and I felt that it could do with a bit of an update. So, I took it upon myself to put together a new website for Rebel. I played with Rebel before college and was looking for a project to further my coding and design skills and wanted to contribute something to the club that had been so kind to me.
I used Webflow to design and publish the website. I found out about Webflow when I was researching colours and came across Happy Hues, which is a really cool example of what you can do with code and design. Webflow is the perfect tool for website creation and design and was a new learning experience for me, but I am glad I found it as I have learned a lot using it.
The website includes pages with information about the club, training information, photos and more. I used the team colours, which are red and black to style the website theme. I included some overlapping images on the homepage as I have always liked the way they make the image interact with the page.